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Movieland Musical Tales of Tinseltown and (the complete) madcap Charlotte Sweet will be released on CD this spring. Both feature all-star casts and employ a signature Colby device: each score uses a different musical genre to tell its story. Tales of Tinseltown, which has had several productions uses a 1930s Hollywood movie musical style, and Charlotte Sweet, one of the most acclaimed musicals of 1982 uses British Music Hall turns.

TV and broadway actor Jason Kravits is a wordsmith who recently parodied Hamilton to the delight of Vulture and other culture sites. When he isn't appearing on TV, in shows like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Madam Secretary and The Blacklist, he's sending up the world of nightclub entertaining in his one man, fully improvisational cabaret called "Off The TOP." Kravits walks this musical high wire act at The Duplex, NYC, on April 11th.